The following shows pictures of original paintings by me for each of the qoutes listed which can be purchased by searching for "lifelovelive" on

    LifeLoveLive #1


  1. live to work, or work to live
  2. LifeLoveLive #2


  3. I love you. You will make mistakes. You will do better!
  4. LifeLoveLive #3


  5. listen to your inner voice!
  6. LifeLoveLive #4


  7. forgive and forget
  8. LifeLoveLive #5


  9. let go, let God!
  10. LifeLoveLive #6


  11. It's not about me, It's about everyone else!
  12. LifeLoveLive #7


  13. Leave the ego behind!
  14. LifeLoveLive #8


  15. Mystic and Pray!
  16. LifeLoveLive #9


  17. save our souls
  18. do the right thing!
  19. learn from your mistakes
  20. listen to others
  21. be patient
  22. Love one another!
  23. live simply
  24. donate clothes you have worn a lot
  25. Buy RealChange!
  26. reward yourself once in a while
  27. Give Thanks!
  28. Say Thank You
  29. Say You're Welcome!
  30. Be satisfied!
  31. Be Thankful!
  32. Smile!
  33. Spend time with family
  34. Reflect
  35. Grow Dahlias!
  36. Have a bird feeder and enjoy watching the birds eat your food!
  37. walk in the sunshine
  38. walk in the rain
  39. enjoy the views!
  40. breathe the fresh air
  41. drink wine
  42. drink in moderation!
  43. support your children
  44. talk to your children
  45. visit your parents
  46. visit your grandparents
  47. empathize
  48. learn to love yourself
  49. love others
  50. do a kind thing for someone today
  51. say something nice to someone you don't know
  52. do a kind thing for someone you don't know
  53. give way
  54. drive defensively
  55. take the bus
  56. take it easy
  57. don't rush
  58. pray before you go to bed
  59. pray after you get up from bed
  60. dental floss
  61. take daily vitamins
  62. drink lots of water
  63. wear comfortable shoes
  64. take vacations from work
  65. work hard, then live hard
  66. 8 hrs for work, 8 hrs for living, 8 hrs for resting
  67. believe in others
  68. have faith!
  69. wings or horns
  70. Faith or Fear
  71. Fight the Addiction
  72. choose
  73. make a choice
  74. make the right decision
  75. join the revolution!
  76. spread the good word!
  77. life is good!
  78. learn from your mistakes
  79. grow and learn
  80. teach others
  81. show the way
  82. follow me
  83. follow God!
  84. don't be afraid
  85. use your instincts
  86. Balance
  87. enjoy music
  88. learn to play music
  89. enjoy art
  90. learn to create art
  91. Speed up at work. Slow down during life!
  92. peace be with you!
  93. give birth, give life!
  94. spread love
  95. Live!
  96. listen to your inner voice
  97. Trust in the Holy Spirit
  98. understand there's a reason for everthing
  99. be willing to offer help or assistance
  100. when in public, be mindful of every person around you
  101. attend church regularly
  102. be active in church
  103. plan your retirement from your job so you can free yourself for your next assignment
  104. have a friend, family member, or spouse you can rely on
  105. exercise regularly to stay fit, even after retirement
  106. eat right and less
  107. drink less
  108. find time for yourself - pray
  109. spread the good news
  110. learn from your experiences
  111. turn off the TV
  112. don't give in to commercialization
  113. make good choices
  114. treat your kids well
  115. raise your kids well
  116. take care of your parents when they get old
  117. retire early so you have a chance to care for your parents or in-laws
  118. be thankful for all the good things done for you today
  119. preserve old pictures, video, school projects of your kids so you can give to them when they're older
  120. don't drink too much
  121. don't eat too much
  122. don't be materialistic
  123. don't be obsessive
  124. enjoy the flowers, trees, and birds
  125. enjoy the sunshine
  126. take a break and take a walk outside
  127. get enough sleep
  128. don't worry
  129. Accept
  130. Love
  131. Forgive
  132. Live Life
  133. Love Life
  134. Live!
  135. eat at home
  136. go grocery shopping
  137. do well in school
  138. go to college
  139. get that first job
  140. buy that first house or condominium
  141. spend your money wisely
  142. pay off your mortgage
  143. save money
  144. find a job that has a good retirement plan
  145. enjoy life - Have fun
  146. listen more
  147. speak less
  148. treat everyone with respect
  149. don't boast
  150. be humble
  151. God will provide what you need
  152. respect the environment
  153. practice playing a musical instrument
  154. donate to charity
  155. respect life
  156. control your anger
  157. forgive often
  158. serve God
  159. serve people
  160. care for yourself
  161. don't work too hard
  162. there's more to life than work
  163. don't get caught up in sports
  164. don't gamble too much
  165. don't give up
  166. God will give you another chance
  167. slow down
  168. smell the flowers
  169. take it one day at a time
  170. don't give up hope
  171. be happy with what you have
  172. prepare your will
  173. enjoy and spend time with your kids
  174. give your kids the tools and knowledge to survive on their own
  175. be available for your family and friends
  176. be careful what you wish for. It might come true
  177. Celebrate!
  178. Share!
  179. be flexible
  180. you don't know where you'll be in five years
  181. wash your hands often
  182. stay in touch with your parents
  183. stay in touch with your kids
  184. listen to God
  185. allow God to guide you
  186. God knows what's best for you
  187. buy only what you need
  188. go to bed early
  189. be frugal
  190. shop smart
  191. volunteer
  192. help the less fortunate
  193. be aware of your surroundings
  194. learn to swim
  195. don't want
  196. don't have
  197. January 2, 2021
  198. Spread the good word
  199. Spread kindness and love
  200. Hatred begets hatred
  201. Violence begets violence
  202. Kindness begets kindness
  203. Love begets love
  204. Actions speak louder than words
  205. Demonstrate love, kindness, and forgiveness to save a soul
  206. A sinner who repents and is sorry for what they have done will be saved and go to heaven
  207. A Saint is one who helps sinners repent for their sins and follows God, Jesus Christ, and in turn, saves other sinners
  208. Revenge is not the way of the Lord
  209. Acceptance, Love, Forgiveness, is the way of the Lord
  210. What you say to someone has more of an affect than striking someone with a weapon
  211. Prayer and words are the weapons of choice for the Saints
  212. Guns and knives are the weapons of choice for the sinner
  213. Smile
  214. Greet one another
  215. Show someone you care
  216. Treat everyone with respect
  217. Treat every creature with respect
  218. Goal in life is to spend quality time with every person you meet so they remember and feel the kindness, which hopefully, results in the person changing behavior for the better
  219. Have a thick skin and a soft heart
  220. Remember. This current life is only temporary and transistional. The goal on earth is to do good deeds and works. Say good things to others, and save souls
  221. Life in prison is better than capitol punishment. Life in prison allows the person to repent for that they did and to save their soul
  222. Find others in life who share the same values so the journey will be easier and more can be accomplished together
  223. Start with talking to family. Then speak with friends. Then anyone you meet in life.
  224. Use your education and work to further your goal and support your mission to spread the good news and save souls
  225. When you retire from work, start working full time to live in Christ and spread kindness, mercy, and forgiveness
  226. Get married. Have children, and take care of your parents
  227. Give. Expect nothing in return. And spread happiness, joy, and the secret to salvation
  228. The journey on earth will be painful, but know that is part of the experience
  229. Use your free time to prepare and plan on how you will change yourself. Start caring for others, and don't be afraid about what will happen next
  230. Trust in God. Listen to your inner self. Relax. Listen, believe, and do
  231. Don't give in to temptation. Resist the urge to sin, to succomb to pornography, sex, lust, and money
  232. God loves sinners who change into Saints
  233. Its OK to drink in moderation
  234. Celebrate often
  235. Enjoy life
  236. Don't worry. Be happy
  237. Don't boast. Don't be showy. Stay humble
  238. Allow the Holy Spirit inside you
  239. Allow goodness to take over
  240. Allow yourself to be possessed by the Holy Spirit
  241. Let go. Let God
  242. Don't give up on a person
  243. Don't give up on yourself
  244. Keep trying
  245. Listen
  246. Give. Be last
  247. Be patient. Be kind. Be satisfied
  248. Be content
  249. April 10, 2021
  250. Resist the temptation to do bad things
  251. Try to do good things
  252. Each person is precious
  253. Treat each person with respect
  254. Words are powerful. Speak carefully
  255. Forgive often
  256. Control anger
  257. Accept people as they are
  258. Enjoy life
  259. Live life
  260. Love life
  261. Spread the Good News
  262. Start spreading the good news with family
  263. Then spread the good news with friends
  264. Continue spreading the good news with strangers
  265. God is always with you
  266. God will always guide you
  267. Listen to God
  268. Pray often
  269. Prove to God that you are worthy to go to heaven
  270. Save souls
  271. Teach your children and grandchildren about life
  272. Jesus is the Bread of Life. Love everyone. Live forever
  273. Believe

Welcome to my second enlightenment II site


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Please check out my First Enlightenment website:

  • Create a Soul, Save a Soul
  • Please check out my Fifth Enlightment website:

  • Know your Soul Saver Score!